Monday, December 5, 2022

French Mountain


It was such a treat to take Jasper to French Mountain yesterday. I haven't been able to hike for a few days now due to a pulled muscle in my leg. [I'm starting to call these random health failures Phantom Menaces.]

Anyway. After reading too much on WebMD (is it possible this is really a slipped disk???), I'm good to go again, though a little less confident regarding my formerly robust ability to walk.

French Mountain is about 20 minutes from us. It's a little too far for an everyday hike, but perfect for Sundays. It's also treacherous once ice season starts. . . you can see that there is a lot of rock surface to slip on, and even crampons don't quite do the trick. 

But now? It's lovely. We've had a lot of rain, so Wellies were required. Wellies and umbrellas make sooo many hikes possible. The fact that humans invented Wellies, umbrellas and bicycles make me feel proud to be human. Not everything does. . .

The views here are lovely. The lake looks small in the photo, but it's actually the northern end of Long Pond, which is a good sized lake.

My only complaint about the French Mountain hike is that it ends a little too soon.

Jasper concurs.

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