Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Small lives

I have a maiden hair fern that I brought home shortly after moving here, more than 3 years ago now. She has proven to be a bit of a drama queen, requiring daily watering, not-to-much sun, but enough-sun, and really prefers to be misted daily as well. I find her worth the extra bit of effort, even though she returns my efforts modestly. Hers is a small delicate beauty, and one slip up in the watering schedule can result in a dead frond. Let that be a warning to you. Me. But given the above careful regime, she gives me these tiny brown stems. The new leaves are balled up like little fists initially, extending themselves into green fronds after a week or two.

I love that careful observation gives us this gift. A small life that embellishes our own.

We three decided to take a road trip yesterday. It was originally planned for Sunday (we still, oddly, adhere to weekday and weekend schedules in spite of our retired status), but temperatures inspired a move to Monday. Our destination was Bath. I had remembered a conversation when we were first looking for a new home. It was with a waitress, I think, and when asked where she thought the best place in the area was to live, she had responded "Bath. Look in Bath." We did, but there was nothing available we could afford, and that still likely is the case.

However, it is a beautiful town. A classic coastal New England tourist destination which is absolutely lovely and mostly tourist free this time of year. I found a nice hike that was close to town, and we three had a lovely snowy hike. We met a very friendly native with her equally friendly Bearnaise Mountain Dog, and had a lovely chat and some trail advice.

Jasper has finally acquired boots worthy of himself, by the way. This is our third pair, and I'm hoping that these. . .with the gaiters incorporated. . .will at long last stay on. He may look a little put out in this photo, but he really loves cavorting with them in the very cold snow.

The view at the top of the trail was lovely, and there is a lot left to explore in subsequent trips. I forgot to take a photo of the map at the trailhead before we left, so was reluctant to travel too far off the main trail. Still. A decent workout, a lovely view, and Jasper tired enough for us to lunch in downtown Bath. We ate at Burano's, a place with great pizza, a decent beer selection, and service that was stellar. 

There were plenty of other places to explore, though, and we made an essential stop at the downtown bakery and the Artists' Cooperative, which represented some very impressive folks. There were 4 felters, for goodness sake. I doubt there's another gallery in the country that can boast that. Smile.

The weather was warm; well, Maine warm which was just over 32F. The day clear. The feeling deceptively hopeful. 

But now is not the time to wax in comfort. Write your congress people, Ladies and Gentlemen. The takeover has begun, and we can't Not Stand Up.

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