Wednesday, May 25, 2022

An Interlude


Elizabeth Zimmerman, the iconic knitter/writer, liked to include what she called "Digressions" in her books. This is my version of the digression. Starting with another look at the Copper Beech. She is late to completely leaf out, and was very late to drop her leaves last fall. It's as though she was very hopeful in the fall ("maybe winter isn't REALLY coming. . ."), and then decided to play it safe as the weather warmed.

On another subject, I haven't completely given up on getting stuff made in the studio, though it's been tough to get time there since the weather has warmed. To the right is a little porcelain vase-like item. Thrown and then embellished when it's leather hard. This is a new style for me, and I think I like it.

Another little vase

Mugs: one thrown, one hand built.

Back of the mugs, assuming a right handed person
















A small olive bowl.






I got a little enthusiastic with too much color on the little olive dish. The pure white of the porcelain really doesn't need this much help. In fact, just some black on the olives would have been enough?

Finishing up, we got to eat lunch on the new patio today. The bird song was incredible. John recorded some of it, but I just found out that this platform doesn't support audio files. So! Next time, I'll take a video, and then you'll also be able to hear it.

The gutter guys have finally come to fix our decrepit gutters, and on Friday, the new arbor should be delivered, finishing up the patio area for now.  Places where we live are never really finished, but I'm hoping that we'll be coming to a good place to stop for a bit.

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