Sunday, November 20, 2022

This and That on a November Day


Jasper at home
Well. I finished knitting a sock today. It's been a sweet task, taken a round at a time on size 0 needles. Fine Yarn. I know. Who does that?

But before I post an image of it for posterity,  I'm going to wax poetic and pragmatic about living with Jasper, our roommate and best friend. We make for a fierce threesome.

A friend recently picked up a book on Border Collies from a free books bin for me. Such a thoughtful thing to do.

The title of one of the chapters made me laugh out loud.

Not many are Border Collie Material

Years ago we had a border collie mix (her mom was purebred) named Calico. She was was what some would call a difficult child. She was full of energy and smart. If not kept busy, she found her own occupation, and it wasn't often what we would have chosen for her. John called her the dog I deserved; I called her my familiar. She settled somewhat by the time she was five. Losing her at 15 was one of the hardest things I've ever had to endure

Another day, another hike. Yay.

Enter Jasper, a purebred Border Collie. We got him when he was 10. . . well beyond the settled stage. He was a working dog (1200 sheep, 13 other dogs) who could no longer Keep Up. It was a huge transition for him. . .all those dogs and sheep to US. He either thinks he won the lottery, or that he lost it. It's tough to tell.

Jasper is our exercise machine. Well, I guess we're also his exercise machines. I don't think there is anything any of us enjoy more than hiking in the woods with one another. We have seen so much together, and traveling with Jasper necessarily means that there will be a long hike. Today.

The Royal Winter sock. #1

Now. To the promised sock. Here she is. This is sock 1, and of course sock 2 will be just the same. Another couple of months work, if this last one is any indication.

Thanksgiving is upon us. . . this Thursday. It heralds a holiday season that promises to be less tense with disease and political discord, and I can't help but feel hopeful about that.


Ok. And since I mentioned her, here is Calico. Fondly remembered friend.

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