Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Voting Day

Sunset from the deck. . . and a place for bat-spotting!


Just a quick post on this day when winter is finally suggesting she might actually drop by this year. We voted today. I love to wait until The Day Of, rather than voting early. The ritual of it is poignant. And one of our neighbors was volunteering there at the Fire Hall, so we felt like we are starting to belong.

I had an odd reaction though. I left the Fire Hall with tears streaming down my cheeks. Enough so that it was embarrassing. I felt so grateful for the structures and the people that allow this voting to happen, and something else. Something else so subconscious that I can't really give words to it. . .maybe fear? Maybe the feeling that this experiment in democracy is coming to an end? I don't know. But I wonder if I'm not the only one. Just as William Shatner described crying when he saw the earth from space, maybe some sad knowledge, or at least a nagging suspicion, is wedged deep in all of us.

It is, however, a beautiful day today. Winter is coming with cold, but also with bright bright sun.

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