Saturday, November 19, 2022



As if fulfilling some dramatic climate change prophecy, we lurched from 70 degree temperatures to winter in a day. The snow was just a dusting, but the temperature (20's) wasn't messing around. Boots, hats, mittens. Check. Dog. Check. 

Our usual Wednesday group hike was cancelled, but Jasper needs to walk every day, regardless of weather, so we were off on our own. Jasper agrees with Christopher Robin. He doesn't care what the weather is doing as long as he is out in it.

Messalonskee was the hike of choice, given that it's close (the roads were not great), and breathtaking in the snow. 

I find myself ready for winter. We had such a long fall that we were able to winterize everything we could think of (snow tires, garden hoses away, etc etc) but of course we'll find out what we forgot. John also put in some drains in front of the garage. The ice there was really treacherous last winter, so we're hoping that we've solved (or lessened) that problem.

Life feels oddly hopeful. Covid is still with us, but not the threat that it once was. It's true that could turn on a dime with a new variant, but we still can't help but feel hopeful. The elections are over, and they offered some hope as well. The daughters fare well. No one is blissfully happy, but I don't suppose we often are, even in the best of times.

And in spite of annoying age related health issues, I feel like we are living our best life now. We sometimes need to marshal our resources, naps in the afternoon, blahblah, but we both feel like we have the time to do what we want to do, and to contribute to our world in a meaningful way.

The lovely snow melted then froze so that there was a good bit of ice everywhere. The roads were clear, but our lawn was an ice rink for a day. It melted today. . . we are routinely reaching 40F. 

I love this time of any season when I am still looking forward to the cold, the snow, the holidays. Spring, Summer and fall likewise. And then, with the passing of a couple of months, I'm ready for the next season.

I've been able to work in both the studio and in my office. I feel like we get to take a long deep breath for several months now, and I'm looking forward to lighting the dark, and making things in the light. And the plants sleep.

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