Sunday, June 9, 2024


Our kitchen windows extend to the floor. When I looked out this morning. . . an overcast drizzly specter. . .I saw that this peony is just on the brink of blooming. Decorated with rain drops. Nearly broke my heart, it was so beautiful. So I slipped into my trusty wellies, grabbed my equally trusty phone, and ventured forth.

The day promised  extended overcast-ness, with occasional drizzle, and I thought "Wow. Perfect weather for photographing up close".

So after showering, tooth-brushing, and dressing for the weather, I ventured into the world of our gardens, and brought back images of most, but not all, of the things in bloom. What. Wealth.

As an aside, sorry about the weird spacing. is really hard to work with. And what you see is never what you get. Oy.

Chive flowers

Buttercups (wild)


Creeping phlox

Winding down: Double file viburnum

Wild-type columbine



Cultivated columbine

Cranesbill (Geranium)

A good start on the pots

Purple Siberian Iris

Rhododendron (pink, not light red)

Ready for a party: Cornus kousa


Unknown wild bramble (fruit will tell)



Kale flowers in their 2nd year

Petite Lilac


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